The energy supply for the benefit of civilization, but the cost of a kilowatt-hour, and gradually increasing, and the issues of energy saving become more and more acute and important to you. What steps can be taken each and every one of us to save money is not in excess of the dollar? Please try to understand!

The culture of the use of the equipment, and household electrical appliances
Let's start with the one that doesn't make it almost a no — disconnect from the network, battery chargers, tv's, home appliances. The charger, and left it in a wall outlet, it continues to work, this is referred to as the mode of slow-speed and the power consumption it depends on the design of the circuit, and the output power of the device. It is, no matter what type of power supply, such as transformers, and pulse. In-house modern technology, such as, for example, in a microwave oven, air-conditioner, tv-in or TV-tuner, it features indicators that are the exhibits, led display, PR. They will also consume the energy, but the source of power, for example, when the tv is turned off "under control", he continues to work in the stand-by mode. So wait – is this the way to the waiting coaches, hope that it can be the signal from the remote control, or turn the timer to the hour. On this subject, on the network, you have the weight of the research, we collected and calculated the average of the obtained data on the consumption of a certain household appliance is in "idle" or stand-by, and brought them up into a list:
- The receiver of the satellite tuner, tv, digital — 5.7 W (50 kw-year).
- - Console — 0.7-1-W (up 8.7 km/year).
- - Tv, — 0.3-0.5 W to 4.4 kw/year).
- The computer is in sleep mode, 3-4 W, (35 kw/year).
- - Monitor-in — 1 W (by 8.7 km/year).
- Cable — 0.5 W to 4.4 kw/year).
- - Coffee — 1.5 W to 13 kw/year).
- - Washing machine, — by 0.1 W to 0.9 kw per year).
- - Air — conditioning - a 3-5 W (44 kw/year).
- - The router (it is constantly in operation, and is not in stand-by mode green)— 3-5, W (44 kw/year).
In each case, the figures do not represent special services, such as the value that is obtained by a considerable number. From the use of any device that is not used, that is no longer connected to the network, it is a risk of burns and fire. Therefore, the switch of the network device, and if you're not using them. Also, you should not keep on your computer or laptop is constantly on. The computer, with the monitor consuming 100 Watts or more, even if it's just idle (and during the games, the consumer can increase-and half of the (axial-flow), in the middle of the notebook, the 40 and 60-Watt. By the way, it is possible to conclude is that, if you don't have the need for admission to the car in the section are likely to burn the least amount of energy in the course of work. If you are not in need of a desktop or notebook computer and to send it into sleep mode or hibernation mode, then the consumption will drop to a few watts. Also, it is worth for everyone with a mobile phone. The statistics of visits to the site show that the vast majority of the traffic in 2019 at the latest – to mobile devices. In addition to the small size and autonomy of the note, and the benefit-cost ratio. For example, on a mobile device is installed with a battery capacity of almost 9,000 mah and a voltage of about 3.7 In what it tells us about what's stored on it will power up to 33 W/h Manufacturer, we hereby declare, for up to 10 hours of continuous operation, during which it is verified, and the tests in the browser. What does this mean? Then, the charge goes down to the 40's, and 50 Watts of power when it comes to the EFFICIENCY of the charger and the self-consumption tablet, in the process of loading. This power is enough for a full day's work, or for surfing the internet, and so, as a computer that uses two or more per hour. It is, in any case, the marketing of technology and on the ball of the manufacturer, and that's just one example of this. The same can be said for any other device, of being different, it's just the number of hours worked and the number of watts required to do so. Put the client's priorities and to clearly identify the type of device you have-enough for the job.
Starting to extinguish a light.
In 2019 it difficult to say anything new about the economics of led and fluorescent lighting, it's not too much to remember, you want to use the lighting in a rational manner. Forgotten in the night of the lighting, and essentially, it hits the wallet, even when you are using led light bulbs. Let's say that you have to leave on the night light in the bathroom or in the hallway, how much does it cost? If you talking about the led bulbs, then the larger the demand for the use of lamps with a capacity of 7 to 10 watts, and take up a larger amount. Before going to sleep, you forgotten about to shut down, or purposely left the lights on, on the inside of one of the bedrooms, sleep up to people on the order of 7 to 8 hours, then:
10*8 = 80 W/h by the evening wound to a lamp, and a
80*365=29,2 km/h,
And if the lights are still on in various rooms throughout the night? Yes, to add to that, the equipment is in stand-by mode, about which we have spoken above? If you use an incandescent bulb – those numbers, you can multiply that by 10 times. Also forgot to light bulbs-not all people know the difference between the ordinary and the local time, light, and wcruhivaut in chandeliers and lamps are strong. Significantly reduced the cost of lighting to work with the use of a table lamp, in the ceiling) for the lighting to be less bright. For the dimmer, or the division of the enlightenment into the group. Also, the installation of motion sensors for light in these rooms, it will help you save money, as we've said in the other article.
The counter
The installation of a lot of your counter is, essentially, helps you to save money. There are a lot of choices, the area of two-and three-zone turnover. For an example of these rates.
- - A tariff for meter – approximately 5.38, p 1 kw/h
- - For a two-zone fare for the night (from 23:00 to 07:00 pm) 2.29 s (p 1 kw/h in the afternoon (from 07:00 to 23:00), up 6.1 p to 1 kw/h.
- To the three counters in the charging unit overnight 2.29 s, p, a semi-peak of food throughout the day and late in to the night, from 10: 00 to 17: 00 and 21: 00 to 23: 00 h.) — approximately 5.38, p, and at the time of the peak (in the morning and in the evening from 07:00 to 10:00 h. and from 17:00 to 21:00, and 7 rubles per 1 kw/h.
Who benefits from this? Almost all of those who are working during the day and in the evening at home – it's cheaper to bodø, laundry service, swimming (if you use the electric water heater), cooking (if electric stove). Also, a lot of the rate, the clock reducing the amount of heating, and if you have a home or an apartment in the oab system, the induction heating for the digester, with the Heat Energy of the Heaters, etc.). As well as you can, that you are not at home, the reduction of the power output of the boiler or even turn it off (when it's a little of her), and on arrival in the house, turn on, and all of the night warming up the house. With built-in Wi-Fi, a relay or a timer, or by any other means, of the home in order to make this process automatic, that is, the output power shall be governed by, and without their participation. Or, you can set up the heating for a time before moving on with the work, so as not to get in the PRomerzu the apartment.
Energy efficiency
The concept of an energy efficient large enough, and in the eyes of ordinary people, up in the air. In the majority of cases, as under the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the energy, the people, understand the installation of led or energy-saving bulbs, and buy LED tvs, and computer monitors. On the other hand, this is not the case. Improving energy efficiency is one of the biggest challenges for the engineers and havehtary, and it touches on how to use the full potential of the new technologies and devices that differ from the old ones, it is a principle of action is the same as the drive motors of the compressors of refrigerators, washing machines, or led light sources), and in another approach, the method of administration of the well-known components and circuit design, for example, an increase in the frequency of supplies, the optimization of the modes of operation of the semiconductor switches, with the aim of improving the EFFICIENCY of household appliances in general. Therefore, the entire technique is divided into classes of energy efficiency are indicated by Latin letters from a To G, but is more important for devices with higher classes A+, A++ and A+++, and patterned them to in this document as "the Directive on the labelling, the label of energy efficiency no. 2010/30/EU.
The energy efficiency class is determined on the basis of the amount of electric power that is consumed in the process of the work, and a number of other factors, for each type of technology has its own scale. So don't go into the details of-we will show you how to make a difference in the classroom and on the real-life example. Yandex.the market, selected the 2 different cooler with good reviews and rating, but a number of the class in energy efficiency. The difference in consumption is about 2-fold. But the price is different for half. But with the modern technology, the business of "energy efficiency" is not limited. To save energy, the important thing is not to waste energy. This is especially true for those of you who heats your home with electricity. If you have thin walls, and push it under the baseboards and the window – it doesn't matter what is in the boiler, and how smart you do it along with the oven – it will still level out on the street! The insulation, seal the joints with the use of modern materials, as the construction reduces the heat loss. Lead to specific numbers the irrational, because they rely on a particular house, as well as other factors, the quality of the fit of the walls, the laying of the blocks to seal all the possible places that you can blow bridges and cold), and the country's rate and the force of the wind on their web site.
Five rules to save
So, to sum it up:
- 1. Switch to staff and use the network, you don't want it all the time, you have to pull the plug out of the socket? There are extensions, sockets, and even a power outlet with the power switch.
- 2. Use of energy saving or led light bulbs.
- 3. When you buy a new refrigerator or washing machine, clothes dryer, take a look at the technical classes of the
- 4. To install a lot of the rate, it.
- 5. Be sure to inspect the house in search of warmth (and now a lot of the professionals to allow the inspection, a thermal imager and isolate problem areas.